Leadership through Education and Action Foundation (LEAF Society) – Arghyam https://arghyam.org Safe, sustainable water for all Wed, 14 Sep 2022 05:25:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.17 Promoting sanitation among marginalised communities https://arghyam.org/promoting-sanitation-among-marginalised-communities/ https://arghyam.org/promoting-sanitation-among-marginalised-communities/#respond Sun, 13 Aug 2017 20:02:39 +0000 http://test.the-practice.net/arghyam/?p=415 Project Summary Namakkkal district ranks 18th among the 30 districts in Tamil Nadu in the human development index (Source: http://www.hindu.com/2008/07/04/stories/2008070459040800.htm). People in the project area had almost no access to safe sanitation and poor understanding of hygiene practices. This project ...

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Project Summary

Namakkkal district ranks 18th among the 30 districts in Tamil Nadu in the human development index (Source: http://www.hindu.com/2008/07/04/stories/2008070459040800.htm). People in the project area had almost no access to safe sanitation and poor understanding of hygiene practices. This project sought to promote safe sanitation practices and create demand for household toilets by linking with credit as well as leveraging funds from Total Sanitation Campaign. Children were identified as important change agents and their hygiene practices were improved. Liquid waste management practices such as construction of soak pits and creation of kitchen gardens were also promoted. The kitchen gardens provided the added benefit of improving nutrition security. With increased awareness through different workshops and training, better sanitation and easier access to water was achieved.


  1. Awareness was raised among communities on the importance of safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices through workshops and exposure visits.
  2. Innovative IEC material on sanitation were produced.
  3. Joyful learning centers that educated children on better hygiene practices were developed.
  4. Training was given to community and local government on waste management, village level sanitation and hygiene.
  5. Community Based Organisations (CBOs) were created and sustained. These CBOs constructed toilets with their own savings.
  6. Around 30 families were motivated to construct bathroom cum toilets, through money leveraged from village level Women’s Water and Sanitation Society’s of around Rs. 1 lakh.
  7. Soak pits were constructed and Kitchen gardens promoted to manage waste-water.
  8. Household water connections were installed.

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