Outreach – Arghyam https://arghyam.org Safe, sustainable water for all Wed, 14 Sep 2022 05:25:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.17 Ensuring Fluoride-free water by adopting a variety of decentralised approaches https://arghyam.org/ensuring-fluoride-free-water-by-adopting-a-variety-of-decentralised-approaches/ https://arghyam.org/ensuring-fluoride-free-water-by-adopting-a-variety-of-decentralised-approaches/#respond Tue, 15 Aug 2017 07:09:51 +0000 http://test.the-practice.net/arghyam/?p=443 Project Summary The project improved water quality by tackling the fluoride problem in a village in Andhra Pradesh. Existing concerns within the government systems of Chitoor district about fluoride contamination were validated through water quality studies. Several decentralised fluoride mitigation ...

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Project Summary

The project improved water quality by tackling the fluoride problem in a village in Andhra Pradesh. Existing concerns within the government systems of Chitoor district about fluoride contamination were validated through water quality studies. Several decentralised fluoride mitigation measures were tested during the pilot phase. This helped in the identification of several cost-effective solutions for improving water quality and led to efforts to introduce these measures in the district.


  1. Awareness building workshops and trainings conducted for the community and local government to explain the ill effects of high Fluoride concentration in drinking water.
  2. Villagers trained to use field test kits, thus empowering them to independently test the quality of water.
  3. A field-test based report was submitted to the district administration. Based on this the Collector ordered testing of water samples for Fluoride in about 60 villages. This confirmed that the water was found to contain Fluoride above permissible levels.
  4. The MGNREGS programme was  leveraged for afforestation efforts to achieve better vegetation and less soil erosion.
  5. Various methods to provide potable, Fluoride free water implemented:
    • Rooftop rainwater harvesting systems set up to provide safe water to around 15 households.
    • Activated alumina filters installed to provide safe water to around 30 households.
    • Jal Nirmal Defluorider Sachet, a new product that removes Fluoride and bacteria, was tested for effectiveness and suitability on a pilot basis in around 5 households.
    • Village tank (Cheruvu) renovated (desilting, bund strengthening, etc.) to gain better surface water storage.

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Studying the feasibility of setting up self sustaining activated alumina filter service model for mitigating fluoride https://arghyam.org/studying-the-feasibility-of-setting-up-self-sustaining-activated-alumina-filter-service-model-for-mitigating-fluoride/ https://arghyam.org/studying-the-feasibility-of-setting-up-self-sustaining-activated-alumina-filter-service-model-for-mitigating-fluoride/#respond Sun, 13 Aug 2017 07:43:55 +0000 http://test.the-practice.net/arghyam/?p=263 Project Summary High fluoride levels in water are prevalent in 16 states in India, affecting over 66 million people. The aim of this project was to assess the feasibility of creating an enterprise centric model and supply chain for the ...

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Project Summary

High fluoride levels in water are prevalent in 16 states in India, affecting over 66 million people. The aim of this project was to assess the feasibility of creating an enterprise centric model and supply chain for the delivery of filters and related services to remove fluoride from drinking water in rural areas.


  1. Surveys, supplemented by focus group discussions and expert interviews, to obtain user feedback on the demand for fluoride mitigation technologies.
  2. Research on the supply-side issues, including details of existing fluoride filter manufacturers, the availability and cost of these filters, the currently supply-chain status, and any challenges faced by manufacturers.

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