Fellowship programme on building leadership in the water sector

Project Summary

Developing leadership in the water sector means proactively looking for inspired individuals spread across the country, establishing contact, entering into dialogue and then identifying areas where they would want to work on and supporting the same. Sambhaav  will identify, dialogue with, and support committed individuals and facilitate their leadership skills, enabling such leaders to execute their ideas on water management through pilot projects. It will also build leadership among staff in partner organizations which will help create a second rung of leaders who will take the vision of the organization forward.


The planned interventions are:

  1. Analysing  and documenting existing leadership, building models and finding best practices.
  2. Developing a framework  to make the fellowship model operational.
  3. Identifying potential candidates.
  4. Organising field visits to demonstrate live models of leadership building in order to inspire change.
  5. Identifying initiatives in present partner organisations to develop leadership within the organisation and the grassroots and strengthen the same.
  6. Conducting orientation programmes for partner organisation in order to inspire and embed the process of leadership building in the organisational ethos.
  7. Providing support to such initiatives within partner organisations if they show/express willingness to pursue the same.
*Grant amount & beneficiary figures are as per actuals for completed projects.