Over the last two decades, we have evolved constantly and dabbled with multiple themes are approaches to water security. This page captures our past programs and partnerships, and the impacts created over the last 15 years.
In our initial phase, being the only water focused Indian philanthropic organization of the time, we understood the landscape of solutions that exist across the country by working with multiple partners NGOs.
As groundwater was one of the emerging areas of intervention, Arghyam partnered with like-minded organizations to implement participatory groundwater management (PGWM). This led to several rich experiences and knowledge generation, some of which is being found to be relevant by current large scale government programs. This phase also led to the birth of springshed management as an important agenda in water sector.
Our next phase was spent around creating collaborations and trying to scale through networks. Arghyam supported creation of Water Quality Networks (for fluoride and arsenic).
Currently, have understood the diversity of problems and solutions in sector well and also the urgency of acting at scale, we focus on enabling large scale programs to adopt a “first-mile centric” unified approach.