Promoting integrated water and sanitation management by partnering with the Panchayats in Dindigul district (Phase III)

Project Summary

Phase I involved rejuvenating local water supply systems in villages in Tamil Nadu. Phase II of the project focused on household sanitation.

In phase III, Gandhigram will strengthen local institutions to provide water supply and sanitation services, and it will help villages achieve complete sanitation. The project will develop model villages demonstrating the sustainable management of water and sanitation facilities at a local level. It will also improve hygienic practices by providing access to water and sanitary facilities, as well as the safe disposal of waste-water and solid waste. This project also seeks to analyse levels of water usage and the costs involved in providing a water supply through surveys and action research.


  1. Sample survey, documenting the present status of water supply and sanitation at a household level.
  2. The re-formation of the Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs), which will be trained on specific water and sanitation issues.
  3. Exposure visits for PRI and VWSC members.
  4. Orientation trainings for the newly elected PRI members.
  5. Renovation of the existing school toilets and water supply infrastructure, including a maintenance system.
  6. Water quality tests.
  7. Toilet construction for the 40% of households that do not have access to toilets.
  8. Grey water management by constructing soak pits and kitchen gardens.
  9. Solid waste management, in which organic and biodegradable waste will be vermi-composted, while plastic and non-biodegradable waste will be disposed safely.
  10. Establishing an  operations and management system for sustainability to allow the VWSC to function effectively and democratically.
  11. School health programs on health and hygiene behavior, including menstrual health management.
  12. Pilot on a dual water supply, in which 100% metered household with  potable and non-potable water supplies will be demonstrated in a local hamlet for better understanding of the system.
*Grant amount & beneficiary figures are as per actuals for completed projects.