Addressing the water quality and quantity issues in Himalayan region (Phase II)

Project Summary

The hilly Himalayan region is blessed with adequately high rainfall but an overwhelmingly high proportion of the same is restricted to the monsoon season. This results in paucity of water during non-monsoon months together with high rates of surface run-off that cause heavy land degradation and erosion. In Phase I of this project, HSS undertook water conservation and the rejuvenation of traditional sources. Phase II will continue this work, aiming to create recharge zones for springs, promote safe drinking water, introduce eco-sanitation, document and revive traditional drinking water systems, preserve native flora, and sensitize communities on water and sanitation issues.


  1. The construction and rejuvenation of chaals (small ponds).
  2. The training of people in slow sand filtering and filter construction to purify drinking water.
  3. Undertaking eco-sanitation training and workshops.
  4. A survey, documentation of, and pilot for the technology of naula construction.
  5. The planting of broad-leaf plant species to collect water.
  6. Undertaking an exchange program to share successful conservation experiences.
  7. Supporting grassroots street theatre and workshops on water and sanitation issues.
  8. Organizing a fellowship for individuals at the grassroots level to undertake new initiatives.
  9. Reviving the concept of a “gram kosh” (community fund) to strengthen ongoing water and forest conservation efforts.
*Grant amount & beneficiary figures are as per actuals for completed projects.