Integrated Urban Water Resource Management (IUWRM) Programme at Dodaballapur

Project Summary

Savaraj’s interventions on integrated water management at Dodaballarpur began in the latter part of the year 2008. The action research and evidence based advocacy approach of the IUWRM initiative focused on demonstrating an “ Integrated water and sanitation (Watsan)” initiative anchored in  stakeholder community participation-that is scalable and replicable within Dodaballarpur and across similar towns and cities.

The hydro geological study of the Dodaballarpur urban watershed, was an important element of this measured advocacy strategy, nuanced continuously to the evolving challenges on ground and stakeholder participation.


  1. Situation Report’ on the status of Doddaballapur town – its people, its vision,  town water sources, water quality and usage, sanitation facility and its usage, treatment of solid and water waste  and the policy and programme/project environment within which water is managed.
  2.  A base line study of Micro watershed to audit water – harvesting and use.
  3. Capacity Building of local community in natural resource management.
  4. Comprehensive technical plan for Nagarakere Tank.
  5.  Plans and models with active participation of stakeholder groups for critical components of the plan and to present workable solutions to government for full implementation. It  includes:
  • Rejuvenation of the Nagarakere Tank and other selected tanks and channels in the upper catchments.
  • Alternative sanitation at household and at community level.
  • Segregation of household waste for composting.
*Grant amount & beneficiary figures are as per actuals for completed projects.