Project Summary
Samerth and Arghyam have partnered since 2007 to provide safe drinking water to people living in remote hamlets of Kutch district. This project was a sub-set of a larger project in order to work intensively in a few hamlets to create model Watsan villages. The project provided families in this region with safe and sustainable drinking water by promoting conjunctive use by developing local water sources and accessing Narmada water wherever feasible. A key objective of the project was to promote safe sanitation practices and toilets were constructed and hygiene messages were imparted.
- Awareness building workshops were conducted on sanitation and hygiene practices.
- Participatory management of water resources through creation of Water User Groups or Pani Samities.
- A successful Information, Education and Communication (IEC) component ensured that the people came forward to contribute Rs. 1 lakh towards the project activities.
- Local water source creation and renovation of existing water sources.
- A water harvesting structure was constructed.
- An Open well was built.
- Around 10 bio-sand filters were installed.
- Around 10 hand pumps were installed.
- Around 3 mini water supply projects were revived.
- Access to Narmada water was made easier by laying of pipelines from the main line to the village and construction of storage tank.
5. Sanitation hardware was installed in a number of villages where more than 35 families were motivated to construct single pit toilets and more than 15 families were motivated to construct soak-pits.