Management of water quality through process re-engineering and enhanced cross linkages amongst government departments

Project Summary

One of the greatest challenges in ensuring good water quality in Karnataka has been the lack of convergence of the Panchayat Raj Engineering Department (PRED) and the Health Department; water and sanitation programs have operated largely in isolation from programs in health and education.

Given this situation, this project aims to facilitate that convergence for the effective management of water quality at the Gram Panchayat /Primary Health Centre, taluk, and district levels. Karuna Trust will undertake process mapping and identify the gaps in water quality-related activities, re-engineering the process based on this analysis. It will build the capacity of PRED and the Health Department to improve management of water quality, including planning, implementation, supervision, monitoring, O&M, and evaluation. Data collection methods will also be improved. Problems will be identified and appropriate solutions will be developed and piloted, using innovative approaches and technologies. Through this work, a replicable district water quality management model will be generated.


  1. Strengthening the community/village-level institutions with water quality analysis, planning, management, and monitoring practices, as well as awareness generation on water quality issues and mitigation.
  2. Capacity-building of Gram Panchayat (GP) members and workers at the health sub-centre on water quality testing, chlorination, water safety, sanitation, and O&M.
  3. Capacity building of blockĀ  and cluster-level coordinators on sampling, water quality testing, sustainable source protection, planning, implementation, and O&M of all rural drinking water sources, as well as sanitation.
  4. Capacity-building of PRED divisional office members on planning, implementation, monitoring, O&M, evaluation, logistics for water and sanitation supplies, the strengthening/establishment of water quality testing laboratories at district/divisional levels, and the management of water quality tests.
  5. Convergence meetings of health sub-centre workers and the GP secretary/PDO, and of the taluka health office and PRED coordinators.
  6. Monitoring water quality for bacteriological contamination.
  7. Training the primary health centre team and taluka health office on diseases related to the chemical contamination of water and its remedies.
*Grant amount & beneficiary figures are as per actuals for completed projects.