Project Summary
People’s Learning Centre (PLC) for water and sanitation was set up to share and disseminate learning and expertise of Utthan’s team. The PLC (People’s Resource and Learning Centre for Water and Sanitation), in collaboration with WASMO and Arghyam has focused upon capacity building of different groups at various levels, specifically on water and sanitation. This resulted in village communities becoming self-reliant and self-sustaining as far as water and sanitation are concerned. The central idea of this project was to develop and build the capacity of institutional mechanisms for water and sanitation facilities which are people centred, gender sensitive and demonstrative. This was done by:
- Creating a resource group model where the group at the community level (Area Resource Group) would be supported by District and State level resource groups. The Area Resource Groups helped communities gain access to Watsan facilities and derived support from the district and state level groups.
- Promoting sustainable and appropriate sanitation technologies such as Ecosan.
- Identification of supplementary credit sources such as micro-finance for sanitation.
In this project, Utthan engaged in collaborative capacity building by creating networks at state, district and panchayat levels. This helped provide water security and facilitated credit linkages for sanitation promotion.
- The overall sanitation and hygiene behaviour in over 100 villages improved due to ARG member’s continuous follow-up, extensive training / awareness programmes and demonstration.
- IEC material on hygiene, Ecosan and safe water were published in local language along with several posters/ handbills. This helped in dissemination of experiences & awareness among community and other stakeholders also developed.
- Based on the advocacy efforts by PLC-Utthan, a government resolution was passed to provide wages for 6 days under MGNREGA, for pit digging for toilet construction.
- Around Rs. 400 lakh was leveraged from various schemes like Swajaldhara, TSC, WASMO, MFI and people’s contribution during the project period of two years.
- Around 45 villages have applied to WASMO, TSC and other micro-finance federations for Watsan support based on project efforts.
- PLC-Watsan-Utthan became a resource centre on Ecosan technology – it was invited by Himcon and their partner NGOs in Uttrakhand to train & demonstrate construction of Ecosan toilets for hilly regions.
- Due to efforts of PLC-Utthan and ARG members, Village water and sanitation committees (Pani Samitis) in over 100 villages were revived.
- Over 1300 families were motivated to construct single pit toilets in their homes.
- Over 25 Ecosan units demonstrated, and around 700 soak pits constructed.