Resource centre for promoting participatory groundwater management principles in the Himalayan region

Project Summary

The Himalayan states of India are characterised by steep slopes and a tortured geology consisting of highly fragmented and fractured rocks, which is not conducive to the formation of large underground aquifers. Ground water occurs largely in disconnected localised bodies in joint fractured zones. In this project, given the unique groundwater situation in the Himalayas, PSI will become a resource centre in Participatory Groundwater Management (PGWM) in collaboration with other NGOs, government departments, and academic institutions. It aims to demonstrate how a village, community, or group of stakeholders relying on a given aquifer can reduce water stress and conflicts by adopting PGWM methods.

The project will cover the three districts of Sirmour, Pauri, and Almora. Through various interventions, these stakeholders of will be able to understand, develop, and demonstrate an equitable and sustainable sharing mechanism based on the area’s hydrogeology. This project also aims to incorporate aquifer management into mainstream watershed and drinking water projects.


  1. Training at the Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development And Management (ACWADAM).
  2. Training of trainers (ToT).
  3. Development of groundwater hydro-geology training material in Gujarati
  4. Region-specific training.
  5. Action research in 7 villages. PGWM pilot programme implementation in 7 villages based on action research.
  6. Collection and preparation of data in order to disseminate project status Develop and distribute documentation: case studies, learning documents, papers, etc.
  7. Bi-annually work group meetings to review progress and share materials.
*Grant amount & beneficiary figures are as per actuals for completed projects.