Using revolving fund for catalysing Sachetana fluoride mitigation (Phase II)

Project Summary

The government of Karnataka has given BIRD-K the task of finding a lasting solution for the fluorosis-affected population in 3 districts. Phase I of this project involved documentation, awareness raising, capacity building, and testing alternate systems of medicine. Phase II involves drawing up a modified plan with specific activities, resource allocations, with   timelines in order to provide safe drinking water to households.


  1. Mapping the fluoride in drinking water sources through water quality testing.
  2. Studying the impact of consuming rainwater on health.
  3. Assessing the water availability in rainwater harvesting tanks.
  4. Testing the harvested rainwater for bacteriological contamination.
  5. Holding experience-sharing workshops.
  6. Helping to support the monthly agricultural journal Siri Samruddi.
  7. Creating a revolving fund to implement rainwater harvesting.
*Grant amount & beneficiary figures are as per actuals for completed projects.